


It's for everyone!

CrossFit is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone—people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years.

Olympic Weightlifting

"Oly Squad"

Increase strength, power and finesse with our Olympic Weightlifting classes! Focus on the Snatch and Clean & Jerk in a fun, focussed environment. We teach skill, technique and control, and once mastered, we add speed followed by load. With dedication, patience and discipline, you will increase all elements of fitness. Join the squad!

Open Gym

Open Gym is a choose your own adventure! A time to practice new skills, catch up on a WOD you missed or just do your own thing! There's usually also a lot of chatting and fun too!

CrossFit Kids

“If we want children to move mountains, we first have to get them out of their chairs.”

  • - Nicolette Sowder, Author.

CrossFit for children, helps kids learn how to move their bodies correctly and effectively, in a safe environment, all while having fun!

It's great way to get your child moving and improve balance, strength, coordination, agility and fitness. Classes involve a mix of play based games, simple gymnastics, weightlifting techniques, running, rowing, skipping and body weight exercises that are inclusive and scalable to any participant at any level. Taught under the close supervision of our certified CrossFit Kids Coach.

Off Season Sport Training